Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cooper Memorial Chapel

We are planning to go to ThornCrown Chapel in Eureka Springs this week. We are going in proxy for my good friend Ernest Aragon. He is E. Fay Jones' #1 fan.

I was looking up some information about it on wikipedia, and I came across this about E. Fay Jones. It mentioned that one of his most famous buildings is a chapel in Bella Vista. The link to the site is here.

I was like "WHAT?!?!?". We only live 10 miles from there.

So here are our pictures. I hope that we aren't overloading everyone with blogs.

Arkansas Call's

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Carmela's Javelina

Carmela Parson called Yadira this morning to tell her that there was a javelina in her back yard. We went over and took some pictures.

The slide show is here in small

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Von Call Family Singers

The kids participated in a voice recital this week. This is the video of them.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rock Climbing Scouts

Bowen and the scouts from church went up by Globe Arizona for some camping and rock climbing.

In Douglas, Bowen and his dad got to ride up with Randy Robinson and Jesse Jones. Jesse spent most of the time bragging about how wonderful his cell phone is. It was cold and windy when we got there and Bowen's dad needed to call home, but Jesse wouldn't share his phone.
If you want to see the slideshow click here

Click below to see the album
Rock Climbing Scouts

Sunday, April 8, 2007

When I was un-nervous

Here is another addition to Alex's "Learning" book.

Family Reactions to April's Fools Day

This is how Eric and Alex reacted to me and Janette switching places. It's pretty funny.

Janette trying to be me

This is Janette trying to be me on April Fool's Day.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

April Fool's Day

On April Fool's Day, me and Janette (our neighbor) switched places. Much to the surprise of our parents. It was fun, Eric made a big deal out of it, by saying that we had different smiles, and how we were trying to trick each other.... it was fun. The good thing was that it was General Conference so we didn't have to worry about pretending to be the other person too much. We had TONS of fun, I don't think this is something we are going to forget for a long time. And we were very grateful that our parents didn't completely freak out and call the police on us or something for invading their houses. But it was the best April Fool's Prank.